Serinol, Solutions et équipement de traitement des eaux

Ongoing manufacture of an imposing SERDAF RS60

A SERDAF RS60 Rectangular Dissolved Air Flotation Unit is being manufactured in our workshop based in Bram (France).

Its dimensions, more than 7m long and almost 3m high, are impressive in our premises!

A SERTROM internally fed rotary sieve, also in the process of being manufactured, will go with it and will be installed on a platform located above the flotation unit.

© SERDAF RS60 Dissolved Air Flotation Unit from Serinol

The whole will make it possible to treat an effluent at a flow rate of 60m3/h.

These are manufactured on behalf of a leading European industry for the treatment and recovery of hazardous waste.

The peculiarity of this Dissolved Air flotatation unit is that the bottom of the equipment will be fitted with a motorized Archimedean screw which will pull the sediment towards the purge well. It will also be provided with a cover with double hinged opening on either side of the SERDAF and gas spring assistance.

Welds on a SERDAF RS60
© Welds on a SERDAF RS60 from Serinol

Our SERDAF dissolved air flotation unit range includes the following models:

Cylindrical “CY”, Rectangular “R” with sediment reception hoppers, Rectangular with Archimedean sediment extraction screw “RS”, Rectangular with lamellar finishing pack “FP”.

Our various SERDAF can process flow rates of the order of 1m3/h up to several hundred m3/h.

We also have a wide choice of rotary sieve model with internal Trommel feed like our SERTROM , whether for the pre-treatment of urban, industrial or food industry effluents, alone or in addition to a Dissolved Air Flotation Unit or a Aerated-Scrapped Degreaser.

Once again, SERINOL knows how to respond to all types of projects, from the smallest to the largest machine!

We look forward to share with you in several weeks the final result!

© SERDAF RS60 from Serinol

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