Trommel, internally fed rotating sieve


The trommel internally fed rotating sieve SERTROM-B SLUDGE is used for sludge thickening in wastewater treatment plants.
SERTROM FU & FI Serinol tamis rotatif trommel à alimentation interne
Serinol, Solutions et équipement de traitement des eaux,produit détail
Serinol, Solutions et équipement de traitement des eaux,produit détail
Serinol, Solutions et équipement de traitement des eaux,produit détail


The trommel internally fed rotating sieve SERTROM-B SLUDGE ensures thickening sludge from wastewater treatment, urban effluent (wastewater treatment plants), industrial effluents (food: canneries, slaughterhouses, dairy/cheese, fruit and vegetable washing – chemicals/pharmacy) and processes.

Wastewater treatment

Serinol Solutions et équipement de traitement des eaux Produit application effluents industrie

Industrial effluents

Mechanical industry

Serinol Solutions et équipement de traitement des eaux Produit application chimie pharmacie

Chemistry - Pharmacy


Serinol solutions et equipement de traitement des eaux schema principe equipement trommel tamis rotatif a alimentation interne SERTROM boue


The trommel internally fed rotating sieve SERTROM-B SLUDGE is used for sludge thickening in wastewater treatment plants.The filtering rotating drum is built out of 304L stainless steel perforated sheet. The raw sludge to be treated is introduced, at one end, into the inner part of the drum through an adapted distribution box. The filtrate crosses the perforations, while the drained sludge is brought towards the outlet by an internal helicoidal ribbon. The productivity and the dryness depend on the feed rate, the nature and the flocculation conditioning of the sludge. Their capture rate is excellent.


The trommel internally fed rotating sieve SERTROM-B SLUDGE is used for sludge thickening in wastewater treatment plants. The operation is simple and autonomous.
Serinol Solutions et équipement de traitement des eaux Produit avantagessimple


Serinol Solutions et équipement de traitement des eaux Produit avantages sans surveillance

Unattended Operation



Extend the possibilities of your equipment.

Thick sludge

Screw Conveyor SERVIS for dried sludge recovery

Electric panel

Electric panel


Standard construction in stainless steel 304L, 316L optional.


Double internal helicoid


Lateral operating gateway.

Design features

The trommel internally fed rotating sieve SERTROM-B SLUDGE is entirely hooded. All parts in direct contact with the sludge are made of 304 L stainless steel or plastic materials. The trommel internally fed rotating sieve SERTROM-B SLUDGE, inclined between 6 and 8 °, depending on the model, allows an optimal dewatering of the flocculated sludge.
The diameter and the length of the drum are determined according to your needs. Our drum range counts 6 standard models suitable for a wide range of processing capacity (from 8 to 360 kg MS / h). The size of the drum perforations can be, depending on the case, 1.5 mm or 2 mm, as standard, An internal helicoid provides the necessary residence time for sludge dewatering process and ensures its removal.
It is designed to have a good sludge distribution on the internal surface of the drum. It favors the discharge of flocculated sludge along two generators located below the drum axis, which allows its distribution on a large sieving surface and a tangential filtration effect.
Drum cleaning system
It has an external washing ramp with flat jet nozzles topped by an anti-spatter metal sheet.
The drum is carried by 2 rollers on the entrance side and by an axis on a bearing on the exit side, with direct drive from the geared motor set on the axle with a torque arm. The rotation speed is adjustable with a mechanical variator/speed motor, which ensures an optimal drainage of the flocculated sludge.

These products could be combined with SERTROM SLUDGE


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