Elevating screen sieve

SERTEL, ECOTEL, SERTELMAX or VERTICAL sieves, installed in a channel or in a pit, operate in the water flow, and do not need preliminary pumping. In the lower part of the screens, a grid stops the particles which are continuously brought up by scrapers towards a discharge chute.

Serinol Solutions et équipement de traitement des eaux Produit tamis degrilleur elevateur SERTEL


The elevating screen sieve SERTEL is used to remove suspended matter in wastewater from urban or industrial treatment stations.

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See the product
Ecotel - Tamis dégrilleur élévateur


The elevating screen sieve ECOTEL model works in the same way as its big brother the elevating screen sieve SERTEL. It is installed in a water channel; the solid matters are stopped by the grid and scrapped up by the scrapers.

See the product
See the product
SERTELMAX - Serinol - Solutions et équipements de traitements des eaux


The elevating screen sieve SERTELMAX is the screen sieve SERTEL‘s big brother. It is also used to remove suspended solids in wastewater from urban or industrial treatment plants.

See the product
See the product
Sertel vertical - Serinol - Solutions et équipements de traitements des eaux


The elevating screen sieve SERTEL Vertical is installed in a circular or rectangular pit or in a pumping station and protects the pumps.

See the product
See the product

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